My Grandfather ‘Delivered’ Jane Goodall

On an April day in 1934 a new mother was discharged from a London maternity home, along with her baby girl. Deeming her husband’s Aston Martin race- car too dangerous […]
Earth Day, Every Day

What is Earth Day? It’s a day to celebrate, praise and notice Mother Earth. A day to remember all she is, all she does, and all she gives. A reminder […]
Being Jane Goodall

Jane Goodall’s birthday is April 3rd. She will be 88. By that time in life, most people have chosen to retire, slow down and live a more quiet life. But being […]
Inspiration From 50 Leading Conservationists Saving Wild

My new book, Saving Wild, Inspiration From 50 Leading Conservationists, with a foreword by Jane Goodall is now available in paper back and ebook on Fifty of the world’s leading […]
13 Africa Life Lessons to get You Inspired
We all aspire to do better for ourselves, for each other, and for the planet. Along the way, we encounter lessons and inspiration from people, places and experiences that act […]