Birding Africa – A Father/Daughter Trip

Since I was a young girl, conversations with dad were more often than not interrupted by him raising his hand like a stop sign and announcing with great importance, “Listen, there’s […]
#1 Tip for Attracting Birds to your Backyard

I’ve planted natives, added water features, and put out bird seed in the hopes of attracting birds to my backyard. As a result, my California cottage garden is full of […]
Point, Shoot and Pray: 6 Best Safari Photo Tips

“Photographic pros and amateurs alike can all learn from each other,” says wildlife photographer Chris Martin. Chris and I are both bloggers for Africa Geographic – one of my favorite magazines. […]
How Touching Whales Helped Me Get A Divorce

When one of the largest animals in the world surfaces within two feet of my kyak, and people scream from the upper deck of a nearby Santa Barbara, California whale- […]
My Inconvenient Journey for More

This year is all about me embracing inconvenience. And fear. Challenging myself. I have moved out of my comfort zone into completely unknown, inconvenient territory. And I ’m anxious. If […]
Wild Lives

Wild Lives, Leading Conservationists on the Animals and Planet They Love. Luckily for all of us, there are human superheroes. More than you know. More than you might think. More […]
Make Your Giving Count, #GivingTuesday
If you are like most people, you do your charitable giving between now and the end of the year. Added to your already hectic Holiday planning you have to decide […]
If Animals Could Speak, Here’s What They’d Say [Infographic]

Animals are communicating all the time. We just don’t understand them very well. When I spend time watching an animal in the wild, or really paying attention to my dog […]