#1 Tip for Attracting Birds to your Backyard

I’ve planted natives, added water features, and put out bird seed in the hopes of attracting birds to my backyard. As a result, my California cottage garden is full of […]
My Inconvenient Journey for More

This year is all about me embracing inconvenience. And fear. Challenging myself. I have moved out of my comfort zone into completely unknown, inconvenient territory. And I ’m anxious. If […]
Daphne Sheldrick says, “Elephants are like us, but better.”

I’ve heard Daphne Sheldrick, the world’s expert on raising orphaned baby elephants, say on many occasions that “Elephants are like us…but better.” Growing up I only knew elephants from […]
Back to the Wild: Prospects Rebuffed

You’ve probably read or seen the movie Born Free about Elsa the lioness. It’s an enchanting story to all of us who have ever dreamed of having a close relationship with […]
13 Africa Life Lessons to get You Inspired
We all aspire to do better for ourselves, for each other, and for the planet. Along the way, we encounter lessons and inspiration from people, places and experiences that act […]
The Carbon Footprint That Trumps All Others

As a lover of wild places and wildlife I’m guessing over the years you’ve adopted lifestyle changes to reduce your carbon footprint on the earth. You turn off the water […]
Tina Welling on Writing Wild [Interview]

Tina Welling and I met for a cup of Goddess tea at a popular restaurant in her hometown of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. I was a little nervous – this being the […]
The Tetons is not a place for wimps!

Since moving from Santa Barbara, California (my home for 24 years) to a little cabin in Moose – a place tucked under Wyoming’s majestic 13,000 foot high peaks called ‘The […]
America’s Serengeti

This post, America’s Serengeti, is not one of my ordinary stories about Africa and animals. Instead it’s about listening, as songwriter Cat Stevens says, “to the wind of my soul.” In […]