Being Jane Goodall

Jane Goodall’s birthday is April 3rd. She will be 88. By that time in life, most people have chosen to retire, slow down and live a more quiet life. But being […]
Greeting Jane Goodall’s Chimpanzees of Gombe

Our boat lands on the sandy shores of Gombe Stream National Park where 26 year old Jane Goodall and her mother Vanne first arrived in July, 1960. Soon afterwards Dr. Jane’s ground […]
Goodall walks her talk for Animals and the Planet

Last night at a dinner party a group of us were engaged in a heartfelt discussion about wildlife, habitat destruction, and climate change when the hostess announced, “Dinner’s […]
Inspiration From 50 Leading Conservationists Saving Wild

My new book, Saving Wild, Inspiration From 50 Leading Conservationists, with a foreword by Jane Goodall is now available in paper back and ebook on Fifty of the world’s leading […]