Animal Communication with a Horse – A Sad Story with a Happy Ending

My Animal Communication with a horse named Salvadore was one of my most memorable sessions I’ve had in the seven years I’ve been working in this field. From the minute […]
Giraffe Dies in Unusual Circumstances

I’m watching a spotted hyena whittle away at the slimy, saliva softened, sun-bleached jaw-bone of a dead giraffe. It’s all that remains from a giraffe that likely died after a long chase and fatal […]
Becoming an Animal Communicator – Is it Real?

I’m sitting in a circle of women (and one man) in a living room lined with overstuffed chairs, small porcelain replicas of cats and dogs, and flowered wall-paper. A golden […]
Animal Communication with a Chicken

“You want an animal communication session with your chicken?” I asked, not able to hide the myriad of thoughts racing through my mind. In the several years since I started […]
How Touching Whales Helped Me Get A Divorce

When one of the largest animals in the world surfaces within two feet of my kyak, and people scream from the upper deck of a nearby Santa Barbara, California whale- […]
Wildlife Conservationists and the Animals they Love

Wildlife conservationists are often called crazy, unrealistic, and a dying breed. They are also called super heroes, and wildlife’s last hope. In Wild Lives, Leading Conservationists and the Animals […]
Beyond Words by Carl Safina

In his newest book, Beyond Words, Carl Safina says, “Science usually asks ‘it’ questions about animals. Where does it live, what does it eat, what does it do when danger […]
Cheetah Cubs get Cheetah Hunting lessons from Mom

Witnessing a mom giving cheetah hunting lessons to her cheetah cubs is one of my most memorable wildlife safari experiences. To be successful hunters, cheetah cubs must learn from their big […]
Holding Chimpanzees at Ngamba Island Sanctuary

Nani waddles towards me with her arms stretched to the sky in a child’s ‘pick me up’ gesture. She climbs up as if I were a tree, securing her short […]