Birding Africa – A Father/Daughter Trip

Since I was a young girl, conversations with dad were more often than not interrupted by him raising his hand like a stop sign and announcing with great importance, “Listen, there’s […]
Being Jane Goodall

Jane Goodall’s birthday is April 3rd. She will be 88. By that time in life, most people have chosen to retire, slow down and live a more quiet life. But being […]
Conservation’s Dog Heroes

Dogs are amazing. They are lovable, loyal, and protective. And, it turns out, heroes of conservation. Working Dogs for Conservation (WD4C) loves bad dogs – the obsessive high-energy kind. Of […]
Wildlife Conservationists and the Animals they Love

Wildlife conservationists are often called crazy, unrealistic, and a dying breed. They are also called super heroes, and wildlife’s last hope. In Wild Lives, Leading Conservationists and the Animals […]
Asian Elephants and the Man who is Saving Them

With more than eight hundred large tea estates and thousands of smaller tea gardens yielding more than seven hundred million pounds of black tea annually, Assam, India is the most […]
Africa’s Unsung Conservation Heroes

Unsung Conservation Heroes, my most recent feature for Africa Geographic Magazine, highlights 15 amazing and dedicated people working – mostly unrecognized – to protect and save Africa’s wildlife. Whether […]
Saving Elephants’ Top Four Champions

Four of the world’s leading elephant conservationists offer hope and inspiration for saving elephants, the largest land animal on earth, from extinction. These amazing people were also interviewed in […]