Birding Africa – A Father/Daughter Trip

Since I was a young girl, conversations with dad were more often than not interrupted by him raising his hand like a stop sign and announcing with great importance, “Listen, there’s […]
Giraffe Dies in Unusual Circumstances

I’m watching a spotted hyena whittle away at the slimy, saliva softened, sun-bleached jaw-bone of a dead giraffe. It’s all that remains from a giraffe that likely died after a long chase and fatal […]
Becoming an Animal Communicator – Is it Real?

I’m sitting in a circle of women (and one man) in a living room lined with overstuffed chairs, small porcelain replicas of cats and dogs, and flowered wall-paper. A golden […]
Meeting Max the Rhinocerous

Rhinocerous have always appeared to me to be elusive, other-worldly beings. Most people, including me, who have been lucky enough to see a rhinoceros in the wild don’t usually speak […]
Greeting Jane Goodall’s Chimpanzees of Gombe

Our boat lands on the sandy shores of Gombe Stream National Park where 26 year old Jane Goodall and her mother Vanne first arrived in July, 1960. Soon afterwards Dr. Jane’s ground […]
Animal Communication with a Chicken

“You want an animal communication session with your chicken?” I asked, not able to hide the myriad of thoughts racing through my mind. In the several years since I started […]
How Touching Whales Helped Me Get A Divorce

When one of the largest animals in the world surfaces within two feet of my kyak, and people scream from the upper deck of a nearby Santa Barbara, California whale- […]
Great African Safaris are Not Tours

“Great African safaris are not tours. They are experiences.” Lori Robinson, Safari Specialist Since 2004 There are many reasons why you shouldn’t wait to go on a safari. You can […]
The Rock with an Elephant Soul

My safari guide says, “there’s a rock painting” he wants to show me. I’m in the Northern Rangelands region of Kenya, staying at Sarara and their newer sister camp, The […]
African Elephant Safari

Being with African Elephants on safari is unlike being around any other animal. Elephants are like us, but better, says Daphne Sheldrick. They share consciousness and emotions, elaborate communication and […]
Giraffes: Passion, Candy and Kisses
It’s an unexplainable phenomena. Through all the years I’ve been leading safaris in Africa, with no understanding of how or why it happens, each group has more sightings of one […]
Kissing Giraffe at Giraffe Manor

I’ve been in Africa many times on my birthday and this year my present to myself is staying here in Nairobi at the Giraffe Manor. It’s one of my favorite […]