monkey face

Are you an animal lover? The person who seeks out the animals when you visit a friend’s home. The person who  verges (just a tad) on being co-dependent with your own furry companions, and who longs to go on a safari because it’s the ultimate wildlife adventure in the world. 

I’m Lori Robinson.

I grew up in a menagerie. Our bathtub doubled as a snake aquarium, Rocky the raccoon was potty trained, and our pet squirrel monkey slept on my mother’s pillow. Animals were part of the family. And I’ve been working on their behalf all of my life.

Letting Go of the Sadness

Early on I would get mired in the sadness of all that animals suffer because of us humans. My depression thwarted my effectiveness.

That’s why I started

It’s my antidote to ecological despair. And it will be yours too.

Sign up to join the tribe of like hearted souls. Here you will find feel good stories from Africa and from some of my most memorable animal communication sessions. 

Now, more than ever, the animals need you. The changes you want for our fur and feathered friends will not happen without you and me and every single one of us doing our part.

On this site I offer insights, inspiration and practical advice from the world’s leading conservationists like Jane Goodall, Beverly and Dereck Joubert, Ric O’Barry, Laurie Marker and many more.

If you are planning on going on a safari this site can act as your guide post with it’s numerous tips and advice on when, where, and how to have the life-altering safari of your dreams. 

I will tell you which NGO’s (non governmental organizations) are the best so you don’t waste your donation dollars.


Saving Wild join the tribe

Join the tribe at today!
Enter your email to join our compassionate tribe.


  OUR Planet


Here’s what 2 of Saving Wild’s tribe have to say :

Cam Steele from Australia-

” I am glad to have discovered this wonderful, informative, and entertaining resource. There is strong passion from a determined and caring group of people, from Lori thru to my fellow readers, and it is wonderful that we can all interact within Saving Wild’s blog.”

Lisa Sands from the USA-

“I celebrate the wild in all places and species. Lori’s passion and drive to speak, walk and write her truth inspires everything living on this earth. After reading her blog posts, I pause to reflect on what I give and to who I give and for what purpose. Thank you Lori for this.”


Enter your email to join our compassionate tribe.


29 Replies to “Join the Tribe”

  1. This is so great Lori.Make sure you make a trip to the tip on your next adventure.We’d love to have you to stay. Love Caro xx

  2. Leading a safari to Zim and Botswana in 2013 so down to the tip I shall come. It will probably be around July.
    I would love to see you and yours.

  3. Hi Shawne, So nice to hear from you on my blog. It means a lot that you stopped by and commented. Thanks again.

  4. Every time you send me an email I start looking at the beautiful photos and amazing stories on your website. Then I log into Facebook and “like” your story or photo. An hour later I’m still distracted from the work I’m supposed to be doing…..I’d much rather be in Africa than stuck here in my office workin’ for THE MAN! Oh, wait…I am the man. I think I’m going to give myself a raise. I’d still rather be in Africa.

  5. Hi Lori how are you? I want to tell you that your blog is very nice and interesting. And I see that you are very passionate about Africa as I am. I live in Argentina, I have visited Africa seven times and I was working with the Catholic mission in Kenya. I like photography a lot too. I’m interested and I care very much what happens to the wildlife of Africa.
    I plan to return to Kenya next year, I want to see the Great Migration, Maasai visit friends and then go to Botswana Zimbabwe and Zambia.

    Well we keep in touch and is very nice what you do.
    Kwaheri Rafiki.

  6. I just spent time visiting your blog and so loved the quality and energy of the pieces as well as the dialogue with readers. You are building something special and it expresses where your core meets travel and your creative process – all in a loving harmony.
    I have such deep respect and appreciation for your beautiful path and your ability to share it.

  7. Hi again Lori, we spoke a while ago about birding versus big game viewing with our respective dads! It is so good to hear that you plan a trip to Botswana and Zimbabwe July 2013. We own an eco-tourism lodge, Chilo Gorge, on the edge of Gonarezhou National Park in south-eastern Zimbabwe-with a strong and vibrant community component-the Shangaan people, who share the proceeds from the lodge and are working towards creating their own wilderness for tourism adjacent to the park, which is most exciting.
    We also have a vibrant population of African hunting dogs, (nearly 100 wild dogs in the Gonarezhou park according to our spoor surveys and den observations this last year!) plus the big game, and indeed the Wild dogs will be denning in and around July next year, so viewing them is much easier than when they are mobile and not tied to their dens….
    Come and visit us if you can, we can show you so much.
    As an artist, I also have an alliance with Painted Wolf Wines of Cape Town, and we will be fundraising for wild dogs with the Pedal 4 Paws initiative in late June early July next year-fabulous bicycle rides through the wild dog territories in our south east lowveld areas, to raise awareness for conservation and wild dogs, and to fund education outreach programmes in our rural schools adjacent to the National Park.
    For your interest, visit my blog, and the Celebration of Painted Wolves page …

  8. Thanks for letting me know about what you are doing in Zim. I would love to come and participate in the bike ride to raise funds for Painted Dogs. I have not seen an Africa Wild Dog since the 80’s in Kruger. SO it’s time. I will ck out your blog and respond there. Thanks.

  9. My compassion for animals is so deep that I often lose my way among them; they fill my soul like no other, and since they have no voice, I feel it is my privilege to speak for them. I love your blog and the dedication you have for Africa and the animals. Thank you Lori!

  10. Okay!
    I have finally been through your website which is AMAZING. You have done it brilliantly, personal, interesting, I could learn a thing or two from you.

    Lori, I would love to work with you.

  11. Thank you. It has been a pleasure to discover your website and your passion for Africa. I have been lucky to have visited This great continent and look forward to returning later this year. My passion has always been wildlife conservation. It is shocking to see the tragic influence China and Vietnam have had on Africa’s wildlife [not to mention that of India and Asia too]. Keeping abreast of developments thru online conservation and environmental sources is an important part of my life. However it is also wonderful to hear the good and fun stories and experiences. Thank you for sharing with the world your “Africa times”. I look forward to following your adventures and passions.

    kind regards from a land Down Under.


  12. I’m really glad I found your site. I have a friend who lives in the southern part of Africa that I correspond with. We share what’s going on here in the states and she tells me what things are happening in Africa. Not all of it is pleasant unfortunately. The poachers who are creating the demise of all the ellies, rhinos, and whatever else they can get their hands on are positively disgusting. We don’t like zoos, but this is probably going to be the only places we can see some of these exotic beautiful animals even within my life span. If only the powers that be in the various areas can be convinced that leaving these animals alone is definitely in their best interest as the tourists can bring in a lot more money than what’s going to happen when they are all extinct.

    I love seeing the area by her home where there are 2 horses she feeds every day that have many of the antelope species as wandering wildlife. She sends me pics of their babies, etc. Some of the creatures that visit her gardens, especially the little tortoises she feeds every day. Their tiny babies are just adorable. They especially love the grated carrots she supplies them with.

    Sorry, I could go on and on about my love for Africa. I’ve had that love since I was a little girl and read some books on Africa and fell in love. I’m now 75 (almost 76).

    I know that’s more than you wanted to know but I love sharing my love with anyone who feels the same way.

  13. Lori… you are one of the “good” ones out there 🙂
    So many “beautiful” people get all caught up in themselves and forget to thank the Cosmos for all they have to be thankful for…so much is just we are lucky and others are not…..
    and give back….. be apart of making a better world…. being good custodians to planet Earth and all Gods children and especially the critters.
    Blessings to you Lori…… for your efforts.. I don’t know how effective we are but our little light bulbs we hope will help light the way for higher wattage for the good 🙂

  14. Hello Lori, My name is Kikanae Punyua. I meet with Michelle Higgins awhile ago and she told me about you and the great work you doing. I’m currently a student at the University of Maryland-College Park and I was wondering if you could help in a project that I’m working on with the Maasai Tribe in Kenya. I’m a Maasai myself and I wanted to help my community mostly women. If you get time please visit our website and let me know if you can help.
    Thank you very much.

  15. My mood just shot up 1,000% after looking at your superb africainside site. How beautifully you write and convey the magic of being with the land and animals. It makes my heart sing. And how exquisitely you have finally aligned your soul’s center and path.

    I hope you are well and happy- and keep on doing to help others and the land and its inhabitant.

  16. I just had a chance to open your wonderful Africa Inside blog- which delighted me and made me homesick for Kenya-
    I can’t wait to talk with you- and especially to meet you.

    I’m copying Trevor Hall, our new CEO- and we’d love to work with you on whatever you may need to help make your work
    easier and more efficient!

    Lots to talk about- please let me know when we can speak. I am sure we have many friends in common. I lived in Kenya
    from 1977- through 89- and am heading back there in September after far too long away.

  17. Thanks so much for caring about Africa and the Animals and the BEAUTIFUL NATURE…you are so blessed to have such a life…

    I will stay in touch with you,

    All the best with blessings with PEACE AND LOVE,

  18. So nice to have met you and I’m glad I had the opportunity to chat with you. I was browsing your website and was quickly mesmerized. So truly amazing what you do… your soul must be singing every single day! I have been dreaming about visiting Africa for decades. I made it to Asia a few times, but in my heart I always believed that Africa is what I would identify with so much more. Sadly, I have never been… but hope this will change in the not so far future.

  19. hi, i really appreciate your takes a good heart to make such a sucrifice. And to say, words are the lowest form of expression i can use to show you that i’m thankful to you for raising the awareness of the importance of conserving our environment and nature as well. actually everything is interconnected in the universe, like giving-begets-receiving. Nothing can break that principle,we receive from nature when we give to Nature.

  20. You are so clever to write this and I love it_ we receive from nature when we give to Nature. I would add that even when we don’t give to it, Nature is always there giving to us. All we have to do is get outside and receive the gifts. Thanks for commenting Clive.

  21. Frankly, when I sat down to look up other blogs in the same field, the only one that I really liked – for its clarity, focus,content and manner of presentation, was yours. There are several of them related to `travel’ – but the ones that wish to motivate people to take some action in conservation seem limited.

  22. This is one of the best website that we know importance of nature,wildlife for our earth. We knew huge information of wild life in several continents.Best website for wild lovers.

  23. Lori,
    Please attend the public hearing for the Ban of Wild Animal in Circuses on September 13th at 7 p.m. at Santa Fe City Hall, 200 Lincoln Avenue.
    If you would like to speak, you will be allotted 2 minutes. Please bring as many animal lovers as you can.

    Thank you,
    Debby Everett
    HSUS District Leader

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