My Animal Communication with a horse named Salvadore was one of my most memorable sessions I’ve had in the seven years I’ve been working in this field.
From the minute I tuned into Salvadore I felt an overwhelming sense of sadness. The feeling was so deep and strong I had to check in with myself to make sure I wasn’t projecting – are these my feelings, or Salvadore’s?
Once Salvadore understood that I was asked to have a session with him because his caretakers were worried about him and wanted to understand his recent behavior, he began downloading information to me.
He told me that he wasn’t heard or respected by the staff where he is boarded, that he doesn’t know who his owner is, and isn’t sure what his routine is. He let me know in no uncertain terms that he hates the facility where he is boarded. Basically he told me nothing was working for him. He felt trapped and angry.
At one point the feeling of being abused came into my consciousness though I wasn’t receiving any images of people hitting Salvadore or hurting him physically.
Underneath this horse’s sad demeanor I sensed a smart, strong and independent character, a very proud being.
When I talked to the owner about my animal communication reading she revealed that Sal’s behavior had become unpredictable, and the grooming staff were now afraid of him. The more afraid people were of Sal, the less time, attention and turn-outs into the pasture he received. The less time Sal had out of his small stall the more cooped up and frustrated he felt. Salvadore was on a downward cycle that I feared would only get worse.
My human client also confirmed that the ownership issue Sal brought up in my reading with him was indeed confusing. Salvadore had recently been sold to a woman (the sister of the person who hired me for this animal communication session) for her niece to ride. “When my daughter leaves for college in two years Sal will be driven across the country to live with his new owner (my sister) who has a large ranch,” the woman who hired me said.
I went back to Sal to tell him all about the plans for his life. I transferred images from my mind to his of a large open pasture surrounded by pine forest, telling him he needed to just hang in there for another two years.
But Salvadore was so adamant that he could no longer live where he currently was. “They even insist on putting a blanket on me every night (he had started to kick the person doing that) which made him overheated,” he told me. He felt there was little hope to get heard in any capacity since the smallest thing, like not wanting a blanket, was not an option.
Sal’s human caretakers laid out the many valid reasons why he could not be moved temporality to a new boarding facility while waiting for his permanent new home. It seemed there was no option for him except to endure two more years at his present facility.
I agonized over that animal communication session for weeks. I would wake in the middle of the night feeling how angry Salvadore was and wondered how many other animals are in similar situations but without such kind and caring caretakers trying to find solutions.
Two months later Sal’s caretaker contacted me to say that things with Sal had gotten so bad he was labeled a danger to others and was not allowed out of his stall at all. I can’t say I was surprised.
But the happy part of this story is what she told me next.
Happy Ending to My Communication with Salvadore
The situation and Sal’s demeanor was so dire, everyone involved decided to fast forward their plans and send him across the country right away.
She told me that ever since he first arrived at his new place in Florida Sal has been perfect. “He is a brand-new horse,” she said. “He gets along with the other horses (in fact has become best friends with one of them) at the farm, and happily lets people ride and groom him, showing none of his previous behaviors.”
After that conversation I checked in with Sal for an animal communication update with him. He told me that in the final days before they decided to expedite their plans to move him to Florida he had become so miserable he had given up on life. He didn’t care if he lived or died.
Although he is still adapting to the new place on the ranch, with other horses, a trainer and owner who is a vet that understands and communicate with him, he is so much happier. His days are full with people and other horses and a few ranch dogs that he shares his new home with.
The gentle, proud, cooperative Salvadore is once again able to shine.
Animals sometimes have no way of communication their needs except for acting out until someone listens. Animal Communication with a Horse, or any other animal, is one of the best methods of creating a relationship that is truly two-sided so that it works for both human and animal. Luckily for Salvadore this story had a happy ending.
Note: This true story was written with permission from Salvadore’s human companions.
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Its like kids who act out when they don have words.