Jane Goodall: Spreading Hope

Jane Goodall: Spreading Hope is her bailiwick. But I’m getting ahead of myself. On an April day in 1934 a new mother was discharged from a London maternity home, along […]
What is the Best Place in Africa For a Safari?

The most common question I get asked by clients is this – “What is the best place in Africa for a safari?” I imagine you’re reading this post because you […]
Animal Communication with a Horse – A Sad Story with a Happy Ending

My Animal Communication with a horse named Salvadore was one of my most memorable sessions I’ve had in the seven years I’ve been working in this field. From the minute […]
Tanzania Safari – the top 11 things to do

A Tanzania safari is one of Africa’s most popular destinations. And for good reason. This east African country is a great choice whether you’re taking your first African safari, […]
#1 Tip for Attracting Birds to your Backyard

I’ve planted natives, added water features, and put out bird seed in the hopes of attracting birds to my backyard. As a result, my California cottage garden is full of […]
Point, Shoot and Pray: 6 Best Safari Photo Tips

“Photographic pros and amateurs alike can all learn from each other,” says wildlife photographer Chris Martin. Chris and I are both bloggers for Africa Geographic – one of my favorite magazines. […]
Giraffe Dies in Unusual Circumstances

I’m watching a spotted hyena whittle away at the slimy, saliva softened, sun-bleached jaw-bone of a dead giraffe. It’s all that remains from a giraffe that likely died after a long chase and fatal […]
Becoming an Animal Communicator – Is it Real?

I’m sitting in a circle of women (and one man) in a living room lined with overstuffed chairs, small porcelain replicas of cats and dogs, and flowered wall-paper. A golden […]
Earth Day, Every Day

What is Earth Day? It’s a day to celebrate, praise and notice Mother Earth. A day to remember all she is, all she does, and all she gives. A reminder […]
Being Jane Goodall

Jane Goodall’s birthday is April 3rd. She will be 88. By that time in life, most people have chosen to retire, slow down and live a more quiet life. But being […]
Becoming The White Masai

While reading The White Masai several years ago, I was shocked by the author’s decision to leave her home in Germany to marry a Masai man and acclimate to his culture […]
Five NGO’s Helping Animals that deserve your 2022 donation

You have enough to do then spend your time researching which organizations deserve your donations. So let me help you. Here are my favorite five non-governmental organizations helping animals. I have […]