If you are like most people, you do your charitable giving between now and the end of the year. Added to your already hectic Holiday planning you have to decide which organizations deserve your money and which ones will use your money wisely and effectively.

Let me remove all the research and uncertainty about who and where to give.  Let me make it easy for you.

Simply donate to Saving Wild and I will personally match your donation and send it to smaller organizations doing amazing work helping animals around the globe.  

Some of the best work in wildlife conservation is done by small organizations. Many are understaffed, overworked and short on funds. They are also hard to donate to because they aren’t set up for international donations, and sometimes don’t even have non-profit status.

But I’ve found ways to donate to them. Every dime counts for these unsung organizations. That’s another reason I love them.

Donate to SavingWild here:


Make your giving count!





5 Replies to “Make Your Giving Count, #GivingTuesday”

  1. Thanks Lori for having such a big heart, there is a dangerous situation unfolding in one of the best national parks in Western Uganda, Lake Mburo National Park where the drought is killing several animals, we are in the process of setting up temporary dams to alleviate the situation, feel free to check out the video on how bad the situation is, on our you caring page https://www.youcaring.com/lakemburonationalpark-780870

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